Hi Pedjableton, I’ll be looking into this by the end of this week (I’ll have more time then). I’ll try to post a rundown at some point, on how I would approach this build, because there will be possible difficulties that are better considered before starting the build. For now, here’s some of my thoughts: […]
New finding, from this document Hercules_P32_DJ_MIDI_Command_List_rev1.0.pdf I see that the push button function of the rotary encoder ‘Browse’ changes midi channel when the ‘Shift’ button is pressed. The channel changes from midi channel 1 to midi channel 4. Now the question is, how do I ‘catch’ the change of channel when the ‘Browse’ encoder is […]
Hi again (Remotify support), For testing purposes I swapped the button that my ‘Reaction’ uses and then the ‘Reaction’ that did’t work, worked! So… when I press the midi controllers Left Shift button (button 17 on Controller Templet provided by CSS) located lower left corner these midi commands are sent. RECEIVE | ENDPOINT(Hercules P32 DJ) […]
You can use the action ‘midi controller > send raw midi data to controller’ This allows you to send any MIDI to your midi controller.
Hi Remotify support, It has almost been a week since posted this as a potential CSS bug and I hade hope for a response by now. I assume you have a Hercules P32 DJ controller as you are selling an older control script (Kuala Premium built midi control script), could you please have a look […]
Hi Glenn, I get the feeling (from reading some of your other posts) that you don’t work for Remotify, is that correct? I thank you for the link! Your description is clearer (when it comes to being in the correct mode etc.) but I hade already deuced the things you mention in your description but […]
I found the answer myself. The line in the options.txt file has to start with a hyphen. Like this: -_ToolsMenuRemoteScripts Not like this as it says in the tutorial: _ToolsMenuRemoteScripts
For me too, please! It needs Midi Values for Colors, no idea how to convert that or if its possible.
Hi@Admin, some answers seem to be missing here in the threat. I am desperately looking into LED Change (or blinking) for active clips in Session Box for XONE:K2. Any solutions here?