Ableton “Drift” Properties
Ableton´s new “Drift” Device has a great sound, but there is no official information, how to get access to some internal parameters, known as “properties”, like for e.g. the “Wavetable” device.
A closer look to Push2´s (decompiled) Python files offered the following internal “Drift” properties (names are from Live´s Info view window):
– Oscillator 1 Shape Mod Source -> mod_matrix_shape_source_index
– Oscillator Pitch Mod Source 1, 2 -> mod_matrix_pitch_source_1_index, mod_matrix_pitch_source_2_index
– Low-pass Modulation Source 1, 2 -> mod_matrix_filter_source_1_index, mod_matrix_filter_source_2_index
– LFO Modulation Source -> mod_matrix_lfo_source_index
– Modulation Source 1, 2 and 3 -> mod_matrix_source_1_index, mod_matrix_source_2_index, mod_matrix_source_3_index
– Modulation Destination 1, 2 and 3 -> mod_matrix_target_1_index, mod_matrix_target_2_index, mod_matrix_target_2_index
– Voice Mode (Poly, Mono, Stereo, Unison) -> voice_mode_index
– Voice Count (4, 8, 16, 24, 32) -> voice_count_index
– Global Pitch Bend Range (0..12 st) -> pitch_bend_range
All Modulation Sources selection lists have the same entries: Env 1, Env 2 / Cyc, LFO, Key, Velocity, Modwheel, Pressure, Slide.
All Modulation Destinations 1 to 3 selection lists have the same entries: None, Osc 1 Gain, Osc 1 Shape, Osc 2 Gain, Osc 2 Detune, Noise Gain, LP Frequency, LP Resonance, HP Frequency, LFO Rate, Cyc Env Rate, Main Volume.
Hope this information is usefull for other advanced CSS users.
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