Ableton Live 12 Support
Apologies if this has already been answered somewhere but I didn’t find anything when I searched. Will this software work with Ableton Live 12?
Cheers! I’m not allowed to upload the files that, according to the log, are causing trouble – hoping the json file is enough. The error message says:
invalid syntax
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
File “C:ProgramDataAbletonLive 12 SuiteResourcesMIDI Remote”, line 2, in
from .css_mf3d import css_mf3d
File “C:ProgramDataAbletonLive 12 SuiteResourcesMIDI Remote”, line 613
(remove: None, None):
sproxx >>
Midi script not showing tutorial:
Actually it works with 12. I had forgotten to update my system preferences in Live’s MIDI control section to recognize the script again. Many of my other MIDI settings were carried over from 11 to 12, but not the script. After updating my preferences it worked again.
Only one of my two scripts works with Live 12 off the bat. The unit (Midi Fighter 3D) is available in Live, but the script is not. The other script (MF Twister) works like a charm. Any ideas what might be the issue when the script doesn’t even show up in preferences?
Yes it works with Ableton Live 12.
I have been testing it today and no issues found.
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