Adjust CC Fader Input

437 viewsCSS Controller Templates

Hey there,
I have a question. My current keyboard has faders (60 mm) and I noticed when using them on orchestral libraries for CC1 / CC11 etc. that the knob/fader in the software reaches 100% while the fader still has 1-1.5 cm of headroom. Is there a way to adjust the fader “speed”? So for example every 2 or 4 steps that the fader value on the controller goes up the output to the software is only 1 step.

Will be really helpful if someone knows a solution to this problem. Thanks!

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Hi Jay,

There’a couple of things to check,
1. in the controller template for the faders, are the ‘first’ and ‘last’ setttings set to 0 and 127?
2. In the script mappings, check that minimum and maximum are set to 0% and 100%. If they are, try double clicking the ‘maximum’ blue bar and manually input 127.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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