After Ableton Live 11.2.7 update newly created scripts are not in preference list
Last week Live has automatically updated to V11.2.7
When I now create a new script, the script is created correctly by CSS (no errors in log) and is stored at the right place, but it´s not listed in Live´s preference list! Restarts don´t change anything! Any hints ????
Problem can be solved by checking the settings for “Live version” : select in the right list “Live 11.2.7”.
VZI & Bradford, please send your scripts over to me here: john at
along with your error logs and I will take a look.
You’re errors totally separate so it’s doubtful they are to do with the same thing.
Bradford – ensure you are using ‘python 3’ to generate your script. This is in the settings of Control Surface Studio.
I’ve test a script in Live 11.2.7 and it loads/works correctly so I don’t that is the issue.
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