Automapping layers

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I’m an absolute noob and I would like to ask for assistance to set up layered macro automapping.
For instance, my controller would get automapped ( Xtouch mini / Midimix) to the first 8 macro on a device, then switch to the next set of 8 after a press of a button. Where do I need to start?

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Send me a copy of your script if it still doesn’t work. It’s difficult to debug when I can’t check the script. And maybe a copy of your Controller Template as well.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Did you add the Buttons that change the Modifier value as Listeners into the “Set Encoders to Macro Values” Reaction, like I’ve instructed in comment #26?

I’ve tested it out with my MIDI Fighter Twister and I think it works like you want it to work. I’ve added my version to this comment but you’ll have to change the buttons and knobs to those of your controller (or you can use it as a reference for your own Reaction). If you do end up using my Reaction, then also check if the Mode is set to the mode you are using.

I added a reminder picture that the Position of the Reaction in the list of Mappings is important. If this Reaction happens before the Modifier is changed, then it will produce False results.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024

Hi Glen,

I’m trying to set this up for a Behringer X-touch Mini with endless encoders and led ring.
The parameter switching worked, but there is a but ( as always :D) . As the script initializes I can control the first set of macros, the encoders picking up the values of the device parameters with the led ring feedback. Here comes the catch. As soon as I change the value of the modifier, a.k.a I press the button for the next set of parameters, I’m able to control them but from there the encoders loosing their magical ability to pick up the values and the device is picking up the values of the encoders, so if the device parameters value is lover than the encoders the parameter suddenly jumps up as soon as I touch the encoder.

I tried it with a simplified version of your idea, simply setting up a standard CSS device parameter mapping with the device parameter number assigned to a modifier, then I created two reaction. One sets the modifier value to 1 when the script initializes or button 1 is pressed. the other sets it to 2 if button 2 is pressed. It works with the same results, but when I switch back to the first parameter ( modifier value 1) then the encoder works as indented,
Weird huh? I don’t know what’s going on, I’m doing the depressed Picard face palm

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024

Ah, I was under the impression you were using the MIDIMIX with sliders, and wanted a way to use the “takeover” function. But if I’m understanding correctly, you want your Rotary Encoders to show/have the Value of the Macro Parameters when you change the group of Macro’s. Here’s what I would do:

Make a new Reaction.

Add 3 Listeners: Script Initialization + the 2 buttons you use to navigate between the groups of Macro’s (see pic Listeners.png, where button 13 and 14 are those I used in the MIDIMIX example).

For each Encoder, add the Action “MIDI Controller > send MIDI velocity value to input” (see pic Actions.png). In “Controller Input” select the Encoder. In Velocity Value, use the dropdown menu to select Custom Code (1 in the picture) and add the line of code that is used to get the Macro parameter value. Remember to make sure the added “Encoder number” is correct (2 in the picture).

Once the Reaction is made and saved, make sure it is positioned after the Reactions that change Modifier m1 (see picture Position.png). These are the Reactions inside the Blue box. The Reaction in the Red box represents the new Reaction. If your new Reaction were to activate before the changes to Modifier m1 happened, you would get bad results.

I haven’t tested this, so if something doesn’t work right, just let me know.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024

Hi Glenn,

Thanks for the detailed asnwer. The thing is, when I’m setting up the encoders adding a CSS Device Parameter mapping it’s working as i would like to. When i open up the project and the script initalizes the encoders are automatically picking up the device values, I don’t need to move them. Would be nice to figure it out so it would not need to be neccesary to remap everything for every set of 8 parameters.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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