Can the 2.7 interface please come back?

235 viewsCSS Feature RequestsSuggestion

I know this has been asked for sine the 2.8 version of CSS was released but I feel compelled to ask for this. The amount of mouse clicks needed to configure a mapping in simple mapping in CSS 2.8 is unbearable compared to just having all the fields on a sidebar panel. I understand that CSS had to be reworked but even just having the option to use the old 2.7 interface would be tremondously helpful.

Even if 2.8 could lose the nested option it would reduce the struggle of using the new interface. I gave up on CSS for a while after 2.8 rolled out hoping that the obvious flaws would get better after some time but it seems to still be pretty janky compared to how much better the 2.7 interface was.

i say all of this with sincere love and support for the hard working remotify team but I like to be direct and straightforward when I can be. Thanks Remotify!

dok.ryconn Unselected an answer October 20, 2024

I never used 2.7 but agree that it takes a lot of clicks and scrolling to set up Mappings/Reactions. And having seen the tutorial videos, the use of dedicated columns where all parameters were easily accessible seemed more intuitive to me than having to click through the different sections like we have to do now.

Personal experience
Sometimes, while working on the last Action Block in a Reaction, dropdown menus are too long to fit the screen but it’s not possible to scroll down enough. Then I need to make a blank Action Block just to be able to scroll down further. All these clicks and unintuitive behaviors are the reason why I prefer using Custom Code over the GUI.

dok.ryconn Unselected an answer October 20, 2024