Chain Selection – Chain Number to Modifier

950 viewsCSS Questions

In a Device Parameter Mapping I would like the *Chain Targeting>Chain Number* to be controller by a Modifier (See Attached Screen Shot)

I would like this modifier to output the chain number of the currently active/selected chain in Ableton.

I have attached the current iteration of my script to try and achieve this, I feel like I am close but can’t seem to find the ‘active chain’ condition.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024

I have currently worked out how to loop through the number of chains and output their names to the CSS Log

I now need to work out how to get CSS to choose only the selected chain and turn that into a number instead

(Script below)

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024

I have now added a condition to select a chain if it is soloed.

Thats a start but i need to have it choose the active chain (selected via automation in the chain selector.)

I need a condition that filters the active chain – been struggling on this for a few days now.

Once I can do that I need to convert the name being printed to CSS to be changed to a position number of the chain in the instrument rack.

(Script attached)

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024

Im wondering if I can just grab the value of the chain selector directly….

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
Attached Files:

bump – anyone got any ideas here?

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
Attached Files:

Using a Reaction you can select device chains using modifiers.

– Select “Live Object Model > Device Parameter > Set Value” as an Action.
– The use the “path menu” (number 1 in the picture) to specify where the script should look. The dropdown menus (downwards pointing arrows) give various options.
– To specify a chain, first check the box next to “Target device chain” (number 2 in the picture). Then you’ll get more options regarding device chains. With the dropdown menu, select the modifier you want to use. In the line of code you should see something like at number 3 in the picture being written there.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024