Chain Selection – Chain Number to Modifier
In a Device Parameter Mapping I would like the *Chain Targeting>Chain Number* to be controller by a Modifier (See Attached Screen Shot)
I would like this modifier to output the chain number of the currently active/selected chain in Ableton.
I have attached the current iteration of my script to try and achieve this, I feel like I am close but can’t seem to find the ‘active chain’ condition.
Hey Glenn,
So you know what found yesterday – It was the holy grail.
If you check this documentation you can see the chain selector info is output on Parameter 17 of the instrument rack device parameters.
I set that value to the value of a modifier and then could use that to select the right device 🙂
Happy days..!
The thing next thing Im working through is a way to now update the encoders I have with the macro velocity data from Ableton – it doesnt seem to like using the same Live object model twice in a reaction.
Here’s a more detailed description of what’s going on in the Reaction I’ve shared yesterday. Details about it can be found in the chapter “Example Reaction”.
I may have found a solution to your problem. This reaction will log the current Chain Selector’s Value of the first Device (which must be a Rack) in the first Track. The Reaction Listens to a change in fired Clip Slot.
In other words, if you were to fire a Clip inside the first Track, this reaction will activate.
And if that Clip changes the Chain Selector’s Value (via automation) then you will be able to read that change in the log on CSS.
The Reaction will also store that Value as an integer in modifier m2. Which means you should be able to use m2 for dynamically mapping Device Parameters of Chains.
I’ll write up a more detailed Google Doc about this, because I don’t really like using this forum for detailed explanations. CSS currently doesn’t seem to have a native way to access Chain Selector data, that I know about, so I had to use some custom code.
Hey Glenn,
Thanks for your feedback.
I’d managed to get this far – I know that I can use a modifier to set the chain select value.
I’m banging my head against the wall as I cannot find an option to ‘grab’ the chain number from Ableton and output it to the modifier 🙁
Using a Reaction you can select device chains using modifiers.
– Select “Live Object Model > Device Parameter > Set Value” as an Action.
– The use the “path menu” (number 1 in the picture) to specify where the script should look. The dropdown menus (downwards pointing arrows) give various options.
– To specify a chain, first check the box next to “Target device chain” (number 2 in the picture). Then you’ll get more options regarding device chains. With the dropdown menu, select the modifier you want to use. In the line of code you should see something like at number 3 in the picture being written there.
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