“Control Surface Studio” is damaged and can’t be opened

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I’m trying to install new version of control surface studio on a new computer. Downloaded latest version file from my account for m1.

when i install and try to open the program i get following message:

“Control Surface Studio” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin.

Neil Butler Answered question October 3, 2024
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Follow the instructions here for your M1: https://remotify.io/installing-control-surface-studio


admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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I put in the command sudo xattr -cr and put in a space….then hit enter?  that gives me an option to put in my password.  then I just get a read out of text.  I don’t get the app icon come up.  I am on a Mac m1 mini

any ideas?

Neil Butler Answered question October 3, 2024