CSS 2.8.4 is now available!
We’re excited to announce that version 2.8.4 of Control Surface Studio is now available.
The log was causing performance issues with the App.
Improved log.txt processing to prevent performance issues.
Added an input field to turn Log Watching on and off
User can now set the last number of log entries to display
Was your script exported from CSS 2.7? if it came from 2.8+ then the modes should be set correctly.
@JohnC – have any of your other users run into this issue?… upon upgrading to the newest version and importing my script and hardware again, all of my mode mappings are gone. It’s been a few years since I created this script, so I’m lost. Is there a trick to importing my script back in without losing the mode info? Thanks
Yes you’re right that should have been mentioned.
We will take another look at the this, displaying it in the old order may make more sense.
I think it’s something I’ll need to get accustomed to, like having to take it in account when setting up log messages in a reaction, or seeing errors appear on top now.
It’s also something that we should’ve been informed about when the update arrived.
If you’re setting up a few log messages from different sources without adding any sort of indicator text what each line represents, then you can make the wrong assumptions if you’re unaware of the new order of appearance.
Thanks Glen,
Yes that’s the way we decided to do it.
Interested to hear the general opinion on having it this way around though.
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