CSS 2.8.4 is now available!
We’re excited to announce that version 2.8.4 of Control Surface Studio is now available.
The log was causing performance issues with the App.
Improved log.txt processing to prevent performance issues.
Added an input field to turn Log Watching on and off
User can now set the last number of log entries to display
Hi JohnC
I noticed that logs now display their entries inverse, i.e. oldest being on the bottom and newest on top. So, the last log entry will be on top.
It’s a bit weird if you’re used to it being the other way around.
I made a little Reaction to showcase it. It listens if the Set is_playing has changed, then it logs 4 numbered entries strings. The value for “Test number” increases every time the Reaction is fired.
Cuz there is an issue with “exit reaction here”.
I have reaction for a button. My button is true momentary and it is set as momentary in CSS. To make it toggle in my 1st reaction i need to devide reaction on two parts, and use “exit reaction here” for the first part.
if i have the listener in 2nd reaction for same button – i will receive “exit reaction here” on both reactions.
How this can be fixed?
Yes, i have discovered a port that was doing just that. Thank you.
But my question about buttons is a bit deeper.
Why the Button ‘”was pressed” changes to “was moved” when i rename a button?
Would it be better to add listeners like “was pressed toggle” for toggle behavior and “was pressed mometnary” for momentary behavior?
“remember me” for passwords is on its way soon 🙂
For the button issue in your video, I see that you have multiple midi devices connected to your computer, maybe another device is continuously sending that message?
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