Defined Standard Mapping of EQ

432 viewsCSS Questions

Hi, first I would like to thank you for the excellent software. You’re doing a good job.

Now to my concern. I would like to use a controller that only controls my EQ plugins in a selected channel.

Whenever I select an EQ, the typical EQ parameters Q / frequency / gain etc. should always be mapped to the same knobs.

Like really, I have no idea how I can make this happen. The same thing should happen with dynamics on another controller.

I just can’t find a solution at the moment as I tell the script: look in the selected channel and map the defined parameters to the controller, but only if a corresponding plugin has been selected.

maybe someone has a solution.


admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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This sounds like it would be simpler just using Midi-Mapping in Live. The main weakness with Midi-Mapping is that the control or controller is ‘locked’ to the selected parameters – but that is exactly the functionality you want.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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