do i really have to chose 2 times midi?
i created a mapping for 3 xone k2 as one controller.
now i want to make a script. do i really have to chose from the dropdownmenu wich midiinput ive chosen before again?
could i not just touch the midiinput?
The controller template is setup once, then you can use that template to create as many scripts as you want.
Note: we already have a controller template available for the K2 in the “On Remotify > Controller Templates” section of the App.
thanks for ur fast responce, yeah but i have to choose from the drop down menu everytime by mouse and 5 clicks.and search the mapped button from the list.
if we can push here the midinote we only need 2 clicks by mouse and press the midinote without searching from the list. is this not possible?
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