Help switching mode with encoder not working
Hello o need help I’m trying to set my endcoder to scroll truh modes but it’s not working. Please help me
Thing is the encoder is working for example to scroll truh track but not modes. PLEASE HELP I’m stuck now for Hours.
Update: so yesterday I was so frustrated that I mapped the modes on buttons
Button 1 mode 1
Button 2 mode 2
And so on
That works now but I still would prefer to change the modes truh the Endcoder.
For mode selectors/scrolling, make sure that you add the mapping to each mode. (quickest way would be to duplicate the mapping and change the mode).
Hi John,
I did this but It’s not working with the encoder. As soon as I change it back to buttons it works. But not with the encoder :/ that’s why I open this case here.
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