highlight VISIBLE track relative to session box

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I searched and searched this forum and never found a clear answer to my problem.

How can I make a mapping that highlights VISIBLE track 5 in a 8 track session box?

***example 1 ‘MUTE’ mapping: in the ‘track selection’ menu I can use these settings:
-track type: track (no option for VISIBLE track here so it will sometimes mute tracks INSIDE a group which is NOT what i want)
-track number: 5
-relative to session box position: yes
=> This is getting close because I can perform an action on a specific track in the session box, BUT it also counts the tracks that are inside a group which I don’t want

***example 2 ‘HIGHLIGHT NAVIGATION’ mapping: in the ‘navigation setting’ menu can use these settings:
-navigation type: select track or scene number
-select track or scene: tracks (no option for VISIBLE tracks so it will sometimes select tracks INSIDE a group which is NOT what i want)
-select track number: 5 (there’s the option ‘use modifier’, more on that below)
There is NO option to select ‘relative to session box position’
=> This is not doing what I want because there is no option to highlight a specific track inside the session box. I know I can use modifiers to select specific tracks but there are only 20 modifiers. For another project I want to select any of 64 VISIBLE tracks with my 64 pads on the Launchpad Mini MK3. So every pad on the Launchpad is connected to specific track selection: pad 1 selects visible track 1, pad 2 visible track 2 and so on. I tried posting here before but never found a clear answer with an example script. Is this impossible to do with Remotify? It seems like a basic function because almost every cheap midi controller with a script has the option to move the session box around and the select a specific track inside the session box with a button press while ignoring the tracks that are inside groups.

Really hoping to find an answer to this problem soon!

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
Attached Files:

Fluxiia thanks SO much for sharing! it works

Now for my experiment it still needs some work:
I want to select any of 64 VISIBLE tracks with my 64 pads on the Launchpad Mini MK3 (without using hard midi mapping) . So every pad on the Launchpad is connected to specific track selection: pad 1 selects visible track 1, pad 2 visible track 2 and so on.
Now with your script setup i can:
-make a 8 track session box
-make 8 session navigation mappings that set the session box to track 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, 57 and map those to button 1-8
-set the visible tracks highlight inside the session box to 8 modifiers and map them to button 9-16

=> now to select track 19 i have to do 2 button presses
-press button 3 (session box moves to track 17)
-press button 11 (highlights track 3 inside session box)

How can I do it with only 1 button press?
I was thinking to try a 64 track session box (so I don’t have to move the session box).
Then I’ll need more than 20 modifiers to select each of the 64 tracks?
Or can I work with an offset somehow? So I maybe could use 8 modifiers for tracks 1 (m1), 9 (m2), 17 (m3), 25 (m4), 33 (m5), 41 (m6), 49 (m7), 57 (m8) and then use some kind of code like ‘select track m2 +1’ to highlight track 10? Sorry if this seems stupid, but nothing wrong to try right?
Anyway, thanks again for your help, really appreciate it!

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
Attached Files:

I’ll explain my intention

-I’m doing full band live recording (up to 64 channels) in Ableton arrangement view
-My template has 64 group tracks, 8 for each instrument
1-8 drums
9-16 bass
17-24 keys
25-32 guitar
33-40 horns
41-48 vocals
49-56 extra 1
57-64 extra 2
-I split each song that we are recording in different sections with locators that i can trigger with my pads on the Launchpad Mini A.

I mapped each group output meter level to a pad of my Launchpad Mini B. So when the group has level going it sends velocity value 127 to the corresponding pad so it lights up. So now I can play a section and see what pads light up and see what instruments are playing. Each row of the launchpad is now displaying audio levels for each instrument group that is playing
row 1 = drums (8 groups) maybe drum group 1 and 3 are playing (pad 1 and 3 light up)
row 2 = bass (8 groups) maybe bass group 5 is playing (pad 13 lights up)
… and so on

I did this by sending velocity values to each pad under the condition that there is level going in each of the 64 VISIBLE tracks. This creates a problem when I unfold groups (see below)

Now I also want to be able to highlight each group. So I press play, see what pads light up and press a pad so it highlights the corresponding group track to adjust levels, panning, …
To fix this I have named the first track of each instrument with a unique name and set a modifier to it
track 1 (drums) $1 = m9
track 9 (bass) $2 = m10
track 17 (keys) $3 = m11
track 25 (guitar) $4 = m12
track 33 (horns) $5 = m13
track 41 (vocal) $6 = m14
track 49 (extra 1) $7 = m15
track 57 (extra2) $8 = m16
Now I can select those specific tracks, great! My 8 channel session box is set up so it jumps to the selected track and I have followed your script to set the tracks inside the session box to modifier 1-8.
Now to select my 3rd bass group I have to:
=>press pad 2 (selects bass group 1 “$2” and puts the session box on the 8 bass group tracks)
=> press pad 3 (selects track 3 inside the session box which is my 3rd bass group)

2 problems here:
– how can I achieve this with only one button press?
– if I unfold a group then the 8 row system is gone. The amount of visible tracks is now more than 64 and the tracks/pads symmetry in 8 rows for 8 instrument groups is gone. The audio levels still send velocity values to the pads but they are all over the place now, my 8 row instrument layout is gone.

So I thought of trying another way, also using 16 modifiers and then an extra modifier for the selected track:
-I set the top 8 pad row of my Launchpad Mini B to select each first instrument group $1-$8 (m9-m16)
(the session box also moves to the selected track)
-I set the second 8 pad row of my Launchpad Mini B to select the 8 groups in the session box (m1-m8)
Now it would be cool if the lower 8 pad rows reflect the levels of the tracks that are inside of the groups.
So for example like this:
=> press pad 1: select first drum group $1 and session box moves there
=> press pad 10: selects 2nd track in the session box (this is the 2nd drum group)
=> pad 17 lights up, indicating that there is audio level coming from the 2nd drum group
=> press pad 17 to unfold the 2nd drum group
=> pads 18-… light up (depending on how many tracks are inside of the 2nd drum group) and I can select each pad to highlight the corresponding track

I think this is impossible with only 20 modifiers in this way..
Maybe there is a way to set the selected track to a modifier? Then the reaction to make the pads light up with velocity values isn’t based on the visible tracks but rather on the selected track and upwards.
So I set the selected track to an extra modifier m17 and then use this reaction:
if track (m17) has audio level then send velocity value 127 to pad 18
if track (m17 +1) has audio level then send velocity value 127 to pad 19
… and so on

Sorry for the long post but I hope it’s clear like this?
I’ll attach my script (not finished yet..stil working on the mute state for the pad levels) but you can check it out

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024

I’ll explain my intention

-I’m doing full band live recording (up to 64 channels) in Ableton arrangement view
-My template has 64 group tracks, 8 for each instrument
1-8 drums
9-16 bass
17-24 keys
25-32 guitar
33-40 horns
41-48 vocals
49-56 extra 1
57-64 extra 2
-I split each song that we are recording in different sections with locators that i can trigger with my pads on the Launchpad Mini A.

I mapped each group output meter level to a pad of my Launchpad Mini B. So when the group has level going it sends velocity value 127 to the corresponding pad so it lights up. So now I can play a section and see what pads light up and see what instruments are playing. Each row of the launchpad is now displaying audio levels for each instrument group that is playing
row 1 = drums (8 groups) maybe drum group 1 and 3 are playing (pad 1 and 3 light up)
row 2 = bass (8 groups) maybe bass group 5 is playing (pad 13 lights up)
… and so on

I did this by sending velocity values to each pad under the condition that there is level going in each of the 64 VISIBLE tracks. This creates a problem when I unfold groups (see below)

Now I also want to be able to highlight each group. So I press play, see what pads light up and press a pad so it highlights the corresponding group track to adjust levels, panning, …
To fix this I have named the first track of each instrument with a unique name and set a modifier to it
track 1 (drums) $1 = m9
track 9 (bass) $2 = m10
track 17 (keys) $3 = m11
track 25 (guitar) $4 = m12
track 33 (horns) $5 = m13
track 41 (vocal) $6 = m14
track 49 (extra 1) $7 = m15
track 57 (extra2) $8 = m16
Now I can select those specific tracks, great! My 8 channel session box is set up so it jumps to the selected track and I have followed your script to set the tracks inside the session box to modifier 1-8.
Now to select my 3rd bass group I have to:
=>press pad 2 (selects bass group 1 “$2” and puts the session box on the 8 bass group tracks)
=> press pad 3 (selects track 3 inside the session box which is my 3rd bass group)

2 problems here:
– how can I achieve this with only one button press?
– if I unfold a group then the 8 row system is gone. The amount of visible tracks is now more than 64 and the tracks/pads symmetry in 8 rows for 8 instrument groups is gone. The audio levels still send velocity values to the pads but they are all over the place now, my 8 row instrument layout is gone.

So I thought of trying another way, also using 16 modifiers and then an extra modifier for the selected track:
-I set the top 8 pad row of my Launchpad Mini B to select each first instrument group $1-$8 (m9-m16)
(the session box also moves to the selected track)
-I set the second 8 pad row of my Launchpad Mini B to select the 8 groups in the session box (m1-m8)
Now it would be cool if the lower 8 pad rows reflect the levels of the tracks that are inside of the groups.
So for example like this:
=> press pad 1: select first drum group $1 and session box moves there
=> press pad 10: selects 2nd track in the session box (this is the 2nd drum group)
=> pad 17 lights up, indicating that there is audio level coming from the 2nd drum group
=> press pad 17 to unfold the 2nd drum group
=> pads 18-… light up (depending on how many tracks are inside of the 2nd drum group) and I can select each pad to highlight the corresponding track

I think this is impossible with only 20 modifiers in this way..
Maybe there is a way to set the selected track to a modifier? Then the reaction to make the pads light up with velocity values isn’t based on the visible tracks but rather on the selected track and upwards.
So I set the selected track to an extra modifier m17 and then use this reaction:
if track (m17) has audio level then send velocity value 127 to pad 18
if track (m17 +1) has audio level then send velocity value 127 to pad 19
… and so on

Sorry for the long post but I hope it’s clear like this?
I’ll attach my script (not finished yet..stil working on the mute state for the pad levels) but you can check it out

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024

(sorry there were some mistakes in my explanation this is correct now)

I’ll explain my intention

-I’m doing full band live recording (up to 64 channels) in Ableton arrangement view
-My template has 64 group tracks, 8 for each instrument
1-8 drums
9-16 bass
17-24 keys
25-32 guitar
33-40 horns
41-48 vocals
49-56 extra 1
57-64 extra 2
-I split each song that we are recording in different sections with locators that i can trigger with my pads on the Launchpad Mini A.

I mapped each group output meter level to a pad of my Launchpad Mini B. So when the group has level going it sends velocity value 127 to the corresponding pad so it lights up. So now I can play a section and see what pads light up and see what instruments are playing. Each row of the launchpad is now displaying audio levels for each instrument group that is playing
row 1 = drums (8 groups) maybe drum group 1 and 3 are playing (pad 1 and 3 light up)
row 2 = bass (8 groups) maybe bass group 5 is playing (pad 13 lights up)
… and so on

I did this by sending velocity values to each pad under the condition that there is level going in each of the 64 VISIBLE tracks. This creates a problem when I unfold groups (see below)

Now I also want to be able to highlight each group. So I press play, see what pads light up and press a pad so it highlights the corresponding group track to adjust levels, panning, …
To fix this I have named the first track of each instrument with a unique name and set a modifier to it
track 1 (drums) $1 = m9
track 9 (bass) $2 = m10
track 17 (keys) $3 = m11
track 25 (guitar) $4 = m12
track 33 (horns) $5 = m13
track 41 (vocal) $6 = m14
track 49 (extra 1) $7 = m15
track 57 (extra2) $8 = m16
Now I can select those specific tracks, great! My 8 channel session box is set up so it jumps to the selected track and I have followed your script to set the tracks inside the session box to modifier 1-8.
Now to select my 3rd bass group I have to:
=>press pad 9 (selects bass group 1 “$2” and puts the session box on the 8 bass group tracks)
=> press pad 11 (selects track 3 inside the session box which is my 3rd bass group)

2 problems here:
– how can I achieve this with only one button press?
– if I unfold a group then the 8 row system is gone. The amount of visible tracks is now more than 64 and the tracks/pads symmetry in 8 rows for 8 instrument groups is gone. The audio levels still send velocity values to the pads but they are all over the place now, my 8 row instrument layout is gone.

So I thought of trying another way, also using 16 modifiers and then an extra modifier for the selected track:
-I set the top 8 pad row of my Launchpad Mini B to select each first instrument group $1-$8 (m9-m16)
(the session box also moves to the selected track)
-I set the second 8 pad row of my Launchpad Mini B to select the 8 groups in the session box (m1-m8)
Now it would be cool if the lower 8 pad rows reflect the levels of the tracks that are inside of the groups.
So for example like this:
=> press pad 1: select first drum group $1 and session box moves there
=> press pad 10: selects 2nd track in the session box (this is the 2nd drum group)
=> pad 17 lights up, indicating that there is audio level coming from the 2nd drum group
=> press pad 17 to unfold the 2nd drum group
=> pads 18-… light up (depending on how many tracks are inside of the 2nd drum group) and I can select each pad to highlight the corresponding track

I think this is impossible with only 20 modifiers in this way..
Maybe there is a way to set the selected track to a modifier? Then the reaction to make the pads light up with velocity values isn’t based on the visible tracks but rather on the selected track and upwards.
So I set the selected track to an extra modifier m17 and then use this reaction:
if track (m17) has audio level then send velocity value 127 to pad 18
if track (m17 +1) has audio level then send velocity value 127 to pad 19
… and so on

Sorry for the long post but I hope it’s clear like this?
I’ll attach my script (not finished yet..stil working on the mute state for the pad levels) but you can check it out

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024

(sorry there were some mistakes in my explanation this is correct now)

I’ll explain my intention

-I’m doing full band live recording (up to 64 channels) in Ableton arrangement view
-My template has 64 group tracks, 8 for each instrument
1-8 drums
9-16 bass
17-24 keys
25-32 guitar
33-40 horns
41-48 vocals
49-56 extra 1
57-64 extra 2
-I split each song that we are recording in different sections with locators that i can trigger with my pads on the Launchpad Mini A.

I mapped each group output meter level to a pad of my Launchpad Mini B. So when the group has level going it sends velocity value 127 to the corresponding pad so it lights up. So now I can play a section and see what pads light up and see what instruments are playing. Each row of the launchpad is now displaying audio levels for each instrument group that is playing
row 1 = drums (8 groups) maybe drum group 1 and 3 are playing (pad 1 and 3 light up)
row 2 = bass (8 groups) maybe bass group 5 is playing (pad 13 lights up)
… and so on

I did this by sending velocity values to each pad under the condition that there is level going in each of the 64 VISIBLE tracks. This creates a problem when I unfold groups (see below)

Now I also want to be able to highlight each group. So I press play, see what pads light up and press a pad so it highlights the corresponding group track to adjust levels, panning, …
To fix this I have named the first track of each instrument with a unique name and set a modifier to it
track 1 (drums) $1 = m9
track 9 (bass) $2 = m10
track 17 (keys) $3 = m11
track 25 (guitar) $4 = m12
track 33 (horns) $5 = m13
track 41 (vocal) $6 = m14
track 49 (extra 1) $7 = m15
track 57 (extra2) $8 = m16
Now I can select those specific tracks, great! My 8 channel session box is set up so it jumps to the selected track and I have followed your script to set the tracks inside the session box to modifier 1-8.
Now to select my 3rd bass group I have to:
=>press pad 9 (selects bass group 1 “$2” and puts the session box on the 8 bass group tracks)
=> press pad 11 (selects track 3 inside the session box which is my 3rd bass group)

2 problems here:
– how can I achieve this with only one button press?
– if I unfold a group then the 8 row system is gone. The amount of visible tracks is now more than 64 and the tracks/pads symmetry in 8 rows for 8 instrument groups is gone. The audio levels still send velocity values to the pads but they are all over the place now, my 8 row instrument layout is gone.

So I thought of trying another way, also using 16 modifiers and then an extra modifier for the selected track:
-I set the top 8 pad row of my Launchpad Mini B to select each first instrument group $1-$8 (m9-m16)
(the session box also moves to the selected track)
-I set the second 8 pad row of my Launchpad Mini B to select the 8 groups in the session box (m1-m8)
Now it would be cool if the lower 8 pad rows reflect the levels of the tracks that are inside of the groups.
So for example like this:
=> press pad 1: select first drum group $1 and session box moves there
=> press pad 10: selects 2nd track in the session box (this is the 2nd drum group)
=> pad 17 lights up, indicating that there is audio level coming from the 2nd drum group
=> press pad 17 to unfold the 2nd drum group
=> pads 18-… light up (depending on how many tracks are inside of the 2nd drum group) and I can select each pad to highlight the corresponding track

I think this is impossible with only 20 modifiers in this way..
Maybe there is a way to set the selected track to a modifier? Then the reaction to make the pads light up with velocity values isn’t based on the visible tracks but rather on the selected track and upwards.
So I set the selected track to an extra modifier m17 and then use this reaction:
if track (m17) has audio level then send velocity value 127 to pad 18
if track (m17 +1) has audio level then send velocity value 127 to pad 19
… and so on

Sorry for the long post but I hope it’s clear like this?
I’ll attach my script (not finished yet..stil working on the mute state for the pad levels) but you can check it out

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024