How to Set loop Position and Loop length on a clip
Hi there! I’m trying to set my Livid CNTRL8R Controller for basic dj performance and I’ve been trying to set the looping function for the audio clips but haven’t been able to get the solution, I tried to create a reaction but I think doing it wrong, the closest I get is to activate the looping button but always goes to the same position (1.1.1), I want to loop any position on the fly, I’m sure this should be possible using reactions, but I’m a bit lost at the moment, any help will be appreciated.
Turn loop on: Live Object model > Clip > Set Looping
Set loop start position: Live Object Model > Clip > Loop Start
Set loop end position: Live Object Model > clip > set loop end
You can get the current playing position from:
Live Object Model > Clip > playing position
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