I would like to make a script that outputs the midi data for the selected track
Can anyone tell me if it’s possible with this software to make a control surface script that outputs midi data from the currently selected track in ableton? Right now I can output all the tracks midi data by making a midi track for each audio track I have and setting the midi in to the respective track.
The purpose of this is to send midi data to a microcontroller that accepts midi as the input and turns on LEDs, so it’s not a “control surface” per se, but just a feedback device. I’d like the functionality to be similiar to the ableton push in how it shows you the notes that are playing from the selected track.
You can the ‘Reaction’ mapping type to send MIDI data to a controller when events happen on the selected track. i.e. selected track’s volume is moved, mute value is changed etc.
Thanks! Still not certain if that means I can send specifically the midi data from clips as they’re playing in arrangement view or session view. I don’t so much care about the events except for when the selected track changes so I know to start sending the midi notes from the new selected track.
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