Launchkey 49 MK3’s ‘Play and Stop’ Buttons unavailable?
play and stop are what seems like ‘DAW Out’ only? (unavailable with midi out)
in midi scope i tried play, stop and rec and the only input it received was the record one (117), which already worked prior.
really the only way is to activate the default launchkey control surface with the ‘DAW Out’. so then i tried to manually midi map these two, just to see what channel and cc# they have and tried it again. with no luck. is there any way to switch those two from daw out to midi out?
hope someone can help, thanks!
JohnC Answered question July 10, 2024
In Ableton > preferences > Midi In/out
Is their a default midi remote script attached to the Launchkey? if you’re wanting to create a custom script (using CSS), you will need to remove it.
JohnC Answered question July 10, 2024
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