LEDs remain white after switching back from previous mode

379 viewsCSS Bugs

I have two modes that share all of the same settings except for how the 4 buttons function (technically more, but for simplicity sake…). In one mode, all four are clip launchers using the session box module. In the second mode, three of the buttons are programmed: first is mapped to Solo module, second is mapped to Arm module, and third is mapped to the stop clip feature of the Session Box.

The issue is that once I switch to this second mode, the white LED setting of the stop clip buttons remain after I switched back to the first mode.

On the first mode, white LED are supposed to indicate that a clip is present (standard session box setting), but the white LED carry over from when they represent stop clip buttons is sending a false flag when they should represent clips.

Here is a video to demonstrate: https://share.icloud.com/photos/0c68_lrPB454RJnz1oqK2XEqg

Any idea for how to prevent the LED cross talk between modes?

Thank you, Neil!

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Bumping this up to see if I can get any help. This is the only “bug” in my way of calling my script “good enough” until this time next year.

Also, I forgot to attach the docs last time, so here they are (linked because the script it bigger than the forum file size limit):
Script: https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/04cFAci9Ty1yy-72q5OA1-87g#mochte_Scri…

Hardware configuration: https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/098B3GWa-H0da4qeZezBYgVeA#mochte_Hard…

Thank you in advance.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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