MIDI learn not responding correctly to the inputs selected CSS 2.8

385 viewsCSS Bugs

Hi there, I’ve been trying to create a template for a Livid CNTRL8R from scratch using CSS 2.8 I just installed but I’m having issues with the “controller template editor” Knobs, Pads, Buttons and encoders aren’t responding correctly when using “MIDI learn” to assign data to those inputs. In the first column on the left I created, things were correct for knobs and sliders (green box those responded “green” and worked well on Ableton)) but buttons didn’t work well (button in orange box went green when touching the controller, but didn’t work on Ableton and the one inside the red box didn’t turn green, and didn’t work at all) is like not responding, and from there tried to set another inputs but nothing is correct, if I touch one of the knobs, sliders, encoders or pads on the controller then something different turns green on the “controller template editor” or nothing happens at all, is anybody else having these issues, any help would be appreciated


admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024