Midifighter Twister Ableton Script
I didnt used my Midifighter Twister long time, Actual my old scripts from previous version dosnĀ“t work anymore, With CS Studio 2.8 it was not possible to fix it (at the end i got allways a export error. I belive because the structure in CS Studio changed).
But i made a new one (and yes it is more easy than the previous versions).
Work is done and I want to share (it is enough that i have spend so much time to find out, so hopfully i can save your time.
Function: If you select an tool in Ableton all knobs of the first bank (16) of Midifighter are assigned automaticly on the first 16 functions and the first button switch on/off the tool. I mostly use it to control synth parameter (make a group with an instrument and set up macro knobs as i want, than hide unessesary other stuff like insert efx etc.).
I made 2 versions,
on the first one, the first knob is also the first function in Ableton, On/off ist on the first button (press first knob)
on the second one, it starts at the last row and than go backkward row wise. it mean first ableton function is on the 13 knob (and on/off is button 13). I made it because i dont want allways grab over the midifighter for my mostly used functions
copy one of the complete css_….. folder in your Ableton Folder -> Midi Remote Scripts -> than restart Abbleton. After that, set it up in you Ableton Midi settings (see picture).
Have fun
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