Motorized faders with mackie control emulation controllers?


Hi there,

I’m a pretty new user, i’ve messed around with the software only for a couple of days now.

I bought the software because it seemed pretty easy for most of my controllers.

However the reason I started looking into the software is because of my Behringer BCF2000.

Unlike any of my other controllers it comes with motorized faders and I simply want that stuff.

To use the BCF2000 in full MIDI mode it has to be in mackie control (sonar) emulation mode.

And as like many other controllers the motorized faders in this mode are; note# on – pitch bend – note# off.

For example this is what MIDI monitor reads when I push fader 1 up a bit (without ableton running).

0: Note on G#6 Velocity 127,1,127,90 68 7F
1: Pitch wheel 80,1,80,E0 50 00
2: Pitch wheel 416,1,416,E0 20 03
3: Pitch wheel 1776,1,1776,E0 70 0D
4: Pitch wheel 3952,1,3952,E0 70 1E
5: Pitch wheel 5136,1,5136,E0 10 28
6: Note off G#6 Velocity 0,1,0,90 68 00

With the mackie control script running in ableton every step is duplicated in a sysex message but I guess that’s unnecessary for creating my own mapping.

Now my question is; How do I get this to work with this program? I can’t seem to figure out how to map this.

BCF2000 mackie emulation mode uses:

Fader 1 touch: CH1 Note 104 On/Off 0-127

Fader 1 volume: CH1 pitch wheel

Fader 2 touch: CH1 Note 105 On/Off 0-127

Fader 2 volume: CH2 pitch wheel

Fader 3 touch: CH1 Note 106 On/Off 0-127

Fader 3 volume: CH3 pitch wheel

etc.. for 8 faders.

How does this work?

Or what should I add to the script to make this motorized fader work?

tammo.grasmeijer Unselected an answer June 4, 2024

Hey ! Maybe you will find your way adapting the solution found by the guy on this post :

Hope it will be useful (it worked for the motorized fader of my presonus faderport).

cheers !

tammo.grasmeijer Posted new comment June 4, 2024

Thanks for the answer!

Too bad it’s a workaround but I’ll see what I can do with it!