Out of Memory message on OSX M1
Hi! Just bought your software and so far it is working well.
I only got an out of memory message this morning. Showing a whopping 25GB in use, which is a bit of an overkill 🙂 As a reference: after restarting CSS uses around 35MB.
I created a working controller for Droid Eurorack for Live 10 and I left the application and Ableton open after a night, after unplugging my macbook from my setup.
So this morning I reopened a new song in Ableton and everything was really sluggish in CSS. Then the out of memory message popped up so I forced quit and restarted CSS.
Attached is the link to my log.txt file and screenshot.
Hopefully the logs will help to trace it.
The first thing I would recommend to do is clear the log, this is located in the bottom right panel. As CSS continually monitors the contents of the log.txt file, as this grows it can cause CSS to become sluggish.
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