Pass midi through
Is there any possibility to pass unmapped buttons / knobs /… to ableton?
If my script uses a controller template where all buttons / knobs / … are defined and I set the input/output settings in ableton to my controller, all interactions with the controller are passed to the script.
That leads to the situation that I cannot use these buttons / knobs / .. in ableton anymore.
Is there a possibility to pass the midi signals through so that I can “use” them in ableton again?
One workaround is to delete the buttons in my controller template. But then I cannot use them in my scripts anymore.
I’m testing this here. For me, if I don’t map anything to a certain button/knob in a mode, then I can still use Ableton’s internal mapping mode.
Is that not the case for you?
No that did not work for me.
I had to delete the buttons in the controller-template.
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