Problem with listeners and modifiers/custom lists
There seems to be a bug when setting listeners to values of modifiers.
This works as expected[0].devices[0].add_chains_listener
But when using modifiers (that definately store the correct value) this doesn’t work and the listener never fires:[self.get_modifier_value("m1")].devices[self.get_modifier_value("m2")].add_chains_listener
Can someone confirm?
Are you seeing any errors in the log when you try to use this?
No. Same as in other thread. No errors or other hints.
Can you provide a working example with the usage of modifiers for track/device selection?
This bugreport is nearly 2 weeks old now. Can you at least confirm it?
It will take you 5 minutes to recreate this scenario.
Not being able to use modifiers in listener defintions is really a big problem for me.
Sorry, we’re investigating this issue, I’ll get back to you as soon as I have info.
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