Quality of life: Folders and Edit All Selected Mappings

671 viewsCSS Feature Requests

I have multiple groups of mappings that are similar. It would be nice to put them into Folders so I can keep track and make it easier to duplicate.

It would be way more efficient to be able to edit a large group of selected mappings in one go. For example I have multiple rows of knobs with the same functions. Only the Track number needs to be changed from 1 to 2.


Fabrice Planquette Answered question November 29, 2024
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admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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I have over 150 mappings (and growing) in my script and would really love to group them somehow.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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I’ve just started here with this program but this is a big issue for me. I’m scrolling through an enormous amount of mappings and it’s only been a few days. When I watch the videos I really like how it used to be where there were folders that you could collapse and hide mappings you weren’t using. It was also more comprehensive to to be able to see the mappings inside their respective group.

djspindoc@hotmail.com Answered question June 9, 2024

+1 for this 2 options.

I’ m new to this program and very surprised and disappointed it seems impossible to bulk edit mappings…

Fabrice Planquette Answered question November 29, 2024