Remotify Scripts compatible with Ableton Live 12?
Are scripts created with remotify are compatible with Ableton Live 12?
thank you in advance
As yet we haven’t been able to test our scripts with Live 12, once we get access to it and are able to test, we will let you know.
However, Initial indications suggest that they should work without issue 🙂
I was able to test a script created by the software and a version of Ableton Live 12 and it seems functional. The language is the same it seems to me (phython 3.0) so I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.
On the other hand, what poses a problem is the management of max4live instruments in the script because under ableton live 12 the max8 version is not yet available
How did you test this, im looking to purchase but want to make sure its compatible with 12 before i buy, i tried copying over the script but didnt work
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