Script shows up in Ableton, but channel remapping hasn’t worked

431 viewsCSS Controller Templatesapcminimk2

Hi. I’m very new to CSS and I’m having trouble getting something to work. Basically, I want to change the midi channel on my APC Mini mk2 to a different channel other than 1 (so it doesn’t interfere with my APC40mk2 when I map some of the buttons in Ableton). It seems like this should be relatively simple to achieve with CSS but I can’t figure it out. I’ve set up a template for the mini in CSS, and have set all the controls’ midi channel to 11. I save the template and the script (the script doesn’t have anything added to it…I think this is where I am going wrong.) I generate the script into Ableton, it shows up under control surfaces, but nothing has changed (the apc mini is still on channel 1, not 11)

Can someone point me in the right direction? Is it possible to change the midi channel at the script level instead of at the template level?

TLDR:Basically, I want the default functionality of the mini, except I need it to send on a different channel.

Thank you, and glad to be here!


JohnC Answered question September 25, 2024

CSS scripts do not change the MIDI data being sent by the controller. This would be done on the firmware.

JohnC Answered question September 25, 2024