select track relative to session box but outside of session box
Is there a way to select a track that is relative to the session box, but also is outside of the session box? So if my session box is on tracks 9-16, is there custom coding to highlight track 17 using the ‘relative to session box logic?
Something like this maybe?
This doesn’t work obviously:)
Does anybody know more?
I tested that I can set the ‘track type’ in a reaction to ‘visible and relative’ track 9
=> this has effect on track 17 if my session box is on track 9-16
But there is no option to choose ‘visible and relative track’ for the track selection reaction…
” is there custom coding to highlight track 17 using the ‘relative to session box logic?
Something like this maybe?
I think you’re correct, but you could also do it using the following together:
Track offset: self.get_sessbox_track_offset()
Session box width: self.get_sessbox_width()
Adding these together would give you the last track of the session box like so:
self.set_highlighted_track(self.get_sessbox_track_offset() + self.get_sessbox_width())
Hey John,
I need to select tracks outside of the 8 track session box, not the last one
But even if I paste your code
self.set_highlighted_track(self.get_sessbox_track_offset() + self.get_sessbox_width())
It doesn’t select the last track in the session box ?
I really don’t know anything about this code, so an example script would be great!
My goal;
I have a script now that lights up pads on my launchpad when the output meter level of the visible and relative tracks are greater than 0. This means I can put my 8 track session box somewhere in my set and then have the track levels (from the tracks starting from inside the session box and after) showing on the Launchpad pads. This is easy to do because in the condition tab for ‘output meter is greater than 0’ i can choose ‘visible and relative track x’ in the track selector option (the hand) which applies to tracks starting from the session box and tracks after the session box. But for the ‘highlight navigation’ mapping i only can select a track number or a modifier, I don’t have the option ‘visible and relative’ track. Also for a reaction mapping I don’t see this option when i choose ‘set selected track’. I can only choose a track number or a modifier.. I know I can use modifiers to select specific tracks but there are only 20 modifiers, and I need the selection system to be dynamic. When I highlight a group track in the session box and I unfold it then the unfolded tracks jump outside of the session box (if there are more than 8 tracks inside of the group). I still need to be able to select those tracks outside of the session box without moving the session box.
I hope you kind of understand my goal 🙂
Thanks for the help!
I made an example script that shows kind of what I want:
This script mutes the first track that comes after the 8 track session box (visible and relative track 9). But I don’t want to mute this track, I want to HIGHLIGHT it .. and don’t know how to do it 🙁
I really hope someone can help me with this!
Yes, I tried but when i choose ‘set selected track’ I can only choose a track number or a modifier. There’s no option to select ‘visible and relative track’
I know I can use modifiers but I’m using all 20 for selecting the relative tracks in my session box
Sooo … ?
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