Set loop length of playing clip in track X
Can someone point me in the correct direction to realize the following behaviour:
1) by the press of button1 I want to set the loop of the currently playing clip in track 1 to the last recorded bar (or less of the clip is shorter)
2) if there is currently a clip recording in track1: button1 stops the recording and the loop is set to the last recorded bar (or less if the clip is shorter)
2) by the press of button2 this loop is shortened
3) by the press of button3 this loop is widened
Thanks in advance!
The following all refer to the Reactions mapping type
1) There’s no way to get the ‘last recorded bar’ but you could set the loop to the end of the clip
Set the loop start to the loop length minus a bar
Live Object Model > Clip > Loop Start
Live Object Model > Clip > Length
You could do the same for Loop End, but minus a bar from the Length (you would need to switch to ‘custom code’ to do that).
2) You can check if a clip is recording by using the following in the conditions section:
Live Object Model > clip slot > is recording
You can stop the recording by using;
Live Object Model > clip slot > fire[0].clip_slots[0]
3) Use the following to set the length of a loop:
Live Object Model > clip > set loop end
4) Use the same option as in 3)
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