Shift knob

699 viewsCSS Questions


Is it possible to map a shift knob in CCS to use faders/knobs/buttons multiple times but in ableton? For example I would like to use fader 1 for track 1 to change the volume this I already did in CSS script. Now I want to be able to press the shift knob which I generated in ccs I would like to map a parameter in Ableton internally. But I get always same midi channel and midi number :/

Is it possible to say
fader 1: midi channel 1 – cc 20

When shift is pressed then:
fader 1 send: channel 2 – cc20

I tried this with reactions but until now it don’t worked. 🙁 .

Thanks for answers.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Hi Fluxiia, I’m also pretty new. Fun fact because for me it’s the opposite:

Example: fader 1 is mapped to Volumen 1 on track 1 in CSS and now I got to Ableton and map something internally in Ableton, Ableton will ignore then CSS and is going to just use the internal map.

That’s why I thought how cool would it be if I can say in CSS for example if I’m on shift mode fader 1 send midi data on channel 2 in ableton and if I will leave shift mode fader one is back to midi channel 1.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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At the moment I’m also mapping the Traktor Controller X1 this Controller has this function internally from native. Lol so I can map all buttons 2 times like 2 pages also internally in ableton. Cool Controller function

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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