Shift knob
Is it possible to map a shift knob in CCS to use faders/knobs/buttons multiple times but in ableton? For example I would like to use fader 1 for track 1 to change the volume this I already did in CSS script. Now I want to be able to press the shift knob which I generated in ccs I would like to map a parameter in Ableton internally. But I get always same midi channel and midi number :/
Is it possible to say
fader 1: midi channel 1 – cc 20
When shift is pressed then:
fader 1 send: channel 2 – cc20
I tried this with reactions but until now it don’t worked. 🙁 .
Thanks for answers.
Hi Fluxiia, I’m also pretty new. Fun fact because for me it’s the opposite:
Example: fader 1 is mapped to Volumen 1 on track 1 in CSS and now I got to Ableton and map something internally in Ableton, Ableton will ignore then CSS and is going to just use the internal map.
That’s why I thought how cool would it be if I can say in CSS for example if I’m on shift mode fader 1 send midi data on channel 2 in ableton and if I will leave shift mode fader one is back to midi channel 1.
At the moment I’m also mapping the Traktor Controller X1 this Controller has this function internally from native. Lol so I can map all buttons 2 times like 2 pages also internally in ableton. Cool Controller function
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