Slider Struggles

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Heyo all, this might be quite a simple question.
I’m trying to make a custom script for my ioStation 24c, I’ve been able to assign all the inputs fine expect for the fader. I used a slider for the type then used MIDI learn to assign the MIDI data. Then I created a script to control the selected channels volume . When I try to use the fader however it will either be as far down as it can go when I’m not touching or unity when I move it, snapping all the way back down when I let go again. I’ve tried messing around with different settings on the slider but I’m quite out of my comfort zone in regards to understanding the different settings. Another thing I noticed as well is when I’m actively moving the fader with the MIDI learn on, the value changes but in ways that don’t really make sense in regard to where the fader is positioned, the numbers seem quite random, jumping from 80 to 3o and so on. When I let go however the value is always 104.
Thanks for any help

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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I would check it with a proper midi monitor like MIDI-OX if its sending the correct values.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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I would check it with a proper midi monitor like MIDI-OX if its sending the correct values.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Hello petike,
The fader works fine if I use mackie but I downloaded MIDI monitor to see what its doing. The single midi signal I was seeing is a on/off signal assigned to G#6, then the actual fader moves are counted as pitch wheel signals. I should also add that the fader is motorised, I don’t know if that would change anything. I’ve included a screenshot of the MIDI monitor.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024

I’m an absolute begginner as well, so take my words with a grain of salt. So far i learned that motorized faders using velocity value, and the pitch wheel is just a specific CC number which most devices use as a pitch wheel. What I would do is read the manual of both tour DAW or software and also dive in to your midi controller, if you have done all that i would search online perhaps someone had similar issues.


admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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