Stop/Play on 1 Button how?
Hi, I’m trying to map Play and Stop on same button. How is this possible what do I have to do?
Thanks for help
Take the button as a listener and write a reaction like this:
Just set up the control override in different ways for each mapping…
Play could be on delay 0 secs, while Stop could be set up on 2 secs delay…
also you can try setting it with steps…
@Dieter danke dir ich werd es so versuchen!
@ G3r5ben – I did this but I was not happy with it. I just wand to press the button to play and stop I will try dieters way. But thx for help anyway
@Dieter danke dir ich werd es so versuchen!
@ G3r5ben – I did this but I was not happy with it. I just wand to press the button to play and stop I will try dieters way. But thx for help anyway
Wow thanks I will try this! Where do I need to put this file again? Thanks again for your work.
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