Sysex to APC mini MK2

534 viewsCSS Questions

Hi. I’m new to CSS, Ableton scripts and python:

APC mini MK2 defaults to channel 1.
This makes the leds too dim, 10% brightness.
channel 5 makes the leds 90% bright.

If I change the CSS controller template controls to channel 5:
Leds will be 90% bright but pads still output channel 1.
So pads don’t respond to a css session box with the template set to channel 5.

If I initialise the factory script in Ableton a sysex is send to the APC mini which shows up in Protokol (Hexler) midi monitor. This corresponds with the 35 byte numbers in the communication protocol manual page 11. Byte 3, the ‘Common MIDI channel setting’ is set to 00, channel 1 according to the manual.

I tried to make a reaction in CSS to send sysex to the APC with in numerous ways but haven’t made it work so far.

Attached is the sysex reaction mappings and the controller templates for the APC mini mk2 and an overview of my progress + the communication protocol of the mini mk2.

Long time in a rabbit hole, can anybody help?

Thank you.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024

APC sysex starting at page 11

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024


Couldn’t you make a virtual copy of the pads inside your template that are set to the MIDI channel that has your preferred brightness option? Then send your MIDI velocity to those virtual pads instead of the normal pads.

My guess is, you can use the normal template to send MIDI data from your controller to Ableton and you can use the virtual template to receive velocity data with on your controller. I haven’t got your controller so I can’t test this out.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
Attached Files:

It just occurred to me, this might not work with the built in session box mapping. You might need to create your own version then.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
Attached Files: