Takeover Modes, Pickup, Value Scaling and Ableton’s “Remote” option in Ableton’s MIDI Settings


Does this “remote”-function in Ableton work with Takeover Mode in CSS templates and scripts?:


I want to control a Selected Track’s Volume fader which works fine with Value Scaling as Takeover Mode. But this “remote” option would be even more smooth than Value Scaling and Pickup. I can’t get it to work with my midi controller. I don’t have a midi fighter twister like in the video above to test if my controller is limiting me by not being compatible with this remote option.

I want to be able to do exactly what he does in the video, but with a CSS Script that controls a Selected tracks volume fader.

Maybe this remote option only work with Ableton midi map function?

kisyaki Answered question October 18, 2024

Hi, all that its doing is sending the LED velocity value to the Twister’s knob. If you have LED Feedback turned on for a mapping in your script then it will do this. it works with the Twister (I have one here which I use).

JohnC Answered question July 5, 2024


I’m experiencing the same thing, meaning the Takeover Mode selection in the midi settings is ignored when a parameter is controlled by a control surface script rather than a manual midi mapping. Just for testing I mapped the first fader to volume on Track 1 using the Track Volume function in css and then mapped the second fader to Track Volume on Track 2 with Abletons internal MIDI mapping feature. Takeover Modes: Pickup and Value Scaling only works on Track 2.

I believe this is an Ableton problem and that Takeover Modes simply don’t work with any control surface scripts. Maybe they expect the controllers or scripts themselves to handle this? It might be possible to mimic this functionality in python by having some kind function that checks the current value of the live parameter before the new value is sent, and if there is a large mismatch use some Pickup or Value Scaling implemented in the script if that option is turned on. (But I’m way to shitty at programming to make a function like that!)

Maybe a cool feature for a future version of CSS? Doesn’t the Snapping option do something similar?

Thanks for a great pice of software!

kisyaki Answered question October 18, 2024