tracks relative to session box
I am very new to remotify. I am currenlty setting up my lauch control XL and so far I have set it up so that I can use 8 pads to selct track relative to session bow using the method desxcribed here:
However I would like remotify to ignore folded tracks and I have not found how to do this.
My next step is to have the 8 pads to lighten up when the corresponding track (relative to session box) is selected (and to send LED feedbeck to the padd according to the state of the track ie yellow if muted, green if soloed etc).
I would be very grateful if anyone coud give me any information on how to achieve this.
many thanks!
Set “relative to session box position” to “no” then the “include folded tracks” option will display.
I’m also interested in this. This script works for selecting tracks inside the session box but it also includes the tracks inside group tracks. As all my tracks in my set are grouped tracks I would love to see an option that only counts the group tracks in the session box and ignores the tracks inside.
It seems like a simple thing to do but how?
you would need to use a reaction to find the specific track you want (and add the session box offset position to it),
then save it to a modifier and use that modifier in your track selection.
Hey John,
I’m sorry but I don’t understand. your last explanation.
I don’t want to find a specific track, I just want to select the grouped tracks inside the session box and ignore the hidden tracks that are in the groups. Like on the APC 40 mk2: wherever the session box is, you can just select any of the 8 tracks inside the session box with the 8 selection pads on the APC and it only counts the visible tracks, when you long press on a selection pad of a group it opens up to reveal the hidden tracks inside (but I don’t really need that functionality). I have seen a lot of people asking this question here on the forum, I think we just need an example script that does this. It’s not that I’m being lazy 🙂 I just can’t find it really
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