Turn on/off multiple devices at once?
Hey! Wondering if there is a way to turn on/off multiple devices at once using reactions? So when I press a button, all the devices containing the name “UAD” turn off and on. Would be cool to do it in one button press but can do if its 2 button presses (on/off).
I have all these UAD devices but sometimes I load the project without turning on my UAD Hardware so would be handy to have this feature. Any Advice?
admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
Listener: When button ‘x’ is pressed
Action Block
Loop – through all devices on a track,
Action – ‘device parameter > set value’ to 0. Set device number to ‘script > loop > loop iteration’ in the path menu (the little hand icon)
admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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