Upgraded to 2.8.1 but not sure how to import my 2.7 setups
Did the upgrade, it created a new home folder, and didn’t migrate any of my settings, templates, or scripts.
I tried using import but am getting this error:
Attached controller template not found (script_attach_id: 35).
Is there a guide anywhere for how to migrate my setup?
Looks like I’m not alone! I imported my 2.7 script into 2.8 and each mode-specific mapping requires manual editing to update mode dependency. Since I’ve got over 100 such mappings, migrating the script to 2.8 is a real pain in the butt. I hope the developer gets around to addressing this issue someday soon, but, given all the comments above, I’m not hopeful. Ideally, the import function should automatically handle such mode dependencies. If that’s not feasible, then it would be a lot more manage-able if they added the ability to select a group of mappings, and then edit one of them, and have that specific edit reflected in all the mappings in the group. For example, this would allow me to check the box in front of all the mappings that needed a specific mode dependency modification, and then edit one of this group of mappings, and have that dependency updated in all the mappings in the group.
without such enhancements, I think I’ll continue to use 2.7.
I have both versions installed and I tried updating – like adding ALL The modes, but discovered ALL the assignments are not working. (what track Volume? What button? Where’s that control?
This is a 3mb script with 20 modes, so I’m not going to upgrade, but just use the new version for new things I build (actually that’s not even accurate, since I also built some new things in the old version because I was already in there and it was pretty simple. I thought I’d be migrating them at the same time, but migrating has proved to be a no go.
Ive just installed the new version on a new computer. Imported my controller templates first, then my scripts. Scripts are not working as described above. Apparently i now have to add ‘modes’ to every action!
I have to say I’m really disappointed. Producing an update that breaks all the hard work of your customers is not awesome! People spend a lot of time on these scripts and to have them all non-functional in an update feels like the customers haven’t been considered in this process. Wasnt there a point when the developers said ummm this update is going to break all the old scripts? At least the importing process for old scripts could have added ‘modes’ if they are now required?? Anyway, now trying to got back to an old version somehow if i can find an old installer.
I have the exact same problem here. There’s no way I can re-start from scratch. An update should be really more straight forward and ensure that export & re-importing works fine
I was easily able to get back to 2.7 and change and install my script.
I have another q but maybe I’ll put it in a new thread for posterity.
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