Value To intensity – Blinking/Flashing LEDs

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Hi Folks,
Im using a Yaeltex controller – in the set up of the device it is possible to select an option in the controller feedback called ‘Value to Intensity’. Basically the velocity value sent to the pad will dictate the brightness.

I am try to create a blinking/flashing pad – does anyone have any pointers for things I might be able to do in CSS to send velocity values to the pad to make it flashing. Something Like an on off function or even better a string on values modulation by step from 0-127 in a sine wave sort of pattern?

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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So I have found some more information:

The ‘Value to Intensity setting’ receives messages on MIDI channel 15.

In all honesty Im not sure how to send MIDI data on a specific channel :s

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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I would also like to add to this – I am not sold on the idea that the LED has to flash or blink. It just needs some sort of functionality (most likely using brightness) to tell me that there is audio playing on that clip.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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So far I have managed something…I have the output volume of Track 1 sending velocity values to the knob in the video. You can see as I change the volume the velocity values are changing the colour of the knob. (see the video in the link)…

The problem is is the feedback is reflecting the values as those from the velocity to colour and not velocity to intensity.

I need to send the midi data out on channel 16 in order to change it from colour to brightness but I don’t know how to do this.

I have change the custom code for the controller input (see attached screenshot) but this doesn’t seem to work.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024

I received this response from Yaeltex – the manufactures of my controller.

The problem I see with the information they have sent me is the ‘SEND RAW MIDI DATA to Controller only seems possible for static values where as I need to send a constantly changing velocity.

“Value to Intensity feature will work when you send the velocity on the correct channel configured in Kilowhat.
By default this channel is 15.

Value to color feature will work when you send the velocity on the channel you configure for the switch feedback.

From the video, the data you are sending seems to be affecting the value to color feature.

You need to find a way to change the MIDI channel.

“Send RAW MIDI data” might help if you can combine it with the custom parameter you want to send.

Raw MIDI data consists of three bytes in hexadecimal format:

Byte 1: Command
For Note ON this command is 0x90 for channel 1, 0x91 for channel 2, 0x92 for channel 3 and so on.
Here you have to use the channel you configured on Kilowhat – 1, in hexa.
For example, for channel 15 the correct byte would be 0x9E.
Note OFF is similar but 0x80, 0x81, …
Control Change command ix 0xB0, 0xB1 and so on for different channels.

Byte 2: Note # or Controller #
This is the note number from 0x00 to 0x7F (0 to 127)

Byte 3: Velocity or Value
This would be the actual parameter you want to send, again, from 0 to 127 in hexadecimal.

If you find a way to send this raw midi data, the value to intensity feature should work.”

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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To send values to other channels, all you need to do is make a fake button on your controller template with the channel and value you need and send feedback to it. You might need to do this in a Reaction because I think the LED feedback in the other Mappings is only sent to the Listener you assigned.

I have also tried (and failed) sending raw MIDI data dynamically inside an Action Block (on my Nektar Pacer). On the Pacer there’s a little display that can show 5 letters; I wanted to make scrolling text for it. But an Action Block doesn’t continually update Ableton on its output. The Reaction just stalled the program until it was finished and then showed the last result of the order of letters on the screen.

There might still be ways to use dynamic Raw MIDI sends that I haven’t tried yet:

– Use multiple Action Blocks, where each sends the next piece of data. The problem is that this doesn’t work infinitely, but you might get a few blinks in before it settles (if it works at least). Another problem is that the blinks would probably be over very fast, and if you try to space out the timing a bit (which is possible with Python code) it might stall your software until it has finished the Reaction. But the only way to know for sure is test this.

– Store a value inside a Modifier (e.g. 0 = dim light, 1 = bright light, start with 0). Then make a Reaction send Raw MIDI based on what is stored in that Modifier and then update the Modifier so it is the other number. In other words, if the Reaction gets the 0 from the Mod, it sends Raw MIDI to the Controller to tell it to dim its light + it stores a 1 in the Mod, so that the next time this Reaction is called, it will send Raw MIDI for the bright light to the Controller. Then you need to set up a way inside Ableton to call this Reaction dynamically. My idea is to set up a Clip that changes automation data periodically and have the Reaction Listen to the Automation of that specific Clip.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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