VST parameter value feedback to endless rotary encoder

628 viewsCSS Questions

How can I get the values (dialed with mouse) from say, UADx 1176 or whatever vst plugin to feed back onto my midi controller like normal ableton devices? Ableton’s stock devices work correctly but i can’t seem to get the same behaviour from directly controlling a plugin. I’m thinking reactions might be able to pick up the updated value from the vst parameters but how can I send that data to the midi controller’s encoder CC, NOT velocity?

I left an example of some random way of trying to do this but it’s obviously not working/unfinished.

My controller is the Kenton Killamix Mini and it sends MIDI CC:s to the parameters on the plugin (got them from the css dump of parameter values to log). Plugin control works just fine but no feedback.

!!!HOW can i get computer-edited device parameters to output their values straight to midi CCs???!!! So my controller could use them.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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but the parameter i specified was device parameter 1 and it should have to do with the input of the plugin and not the device on-off state. and it isn’t working.

UADx 1176 Rev A Compressor
0. Device On [ Min 0.0 | Max 1.0 | Current value 1.0 ]
1. Input [ Min 0.0 | Max 1.0 | Current value 0.135009765625 ]
2. Output [ Min 0.0 | Max 1.0 | Current value 0.691741943359375 ]
3. Attack [ Min 0.0 | Max 1.0 | Current value 0.5 ]
4. Release [ Min 0.0 | Max 1.0 | Current value 0.66595458984375 ]
5. Ratio [ Min 0.0 | Max 10.0 | Current value 1.0 ]
6. Meter [ Min 0.0 | Max 3.0 | Current value 3.0 ]
7. SC Filter [ Min 0.0 | Max 1.0 | Current value 0.0 ]
8. Mix [ Min 0.0 | Max 1.0 | Current value 1.0 ]
9. Headroom [ Min 0.0 | Max 6.0 | Current value 3.0 ]
10. Power [ Min 0.0 | Max 1.0 | Current value 1.0 ]

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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