What changed?? Scripts no longer working as expected when exporting to live!!

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I have a large script in which i invested a huge amount of time. Today i made a minor change to the script only to find out that when i had overwritten the script in ableton it had stopped working as expected. In my script i have 4 modes and correspondingly 4 buttons to switch between the modes. This mode switchinging now is broken amongst other things that are no longer working. So what changed on the server side to export the scripts to ableton? This is a serious issue so please investigate and fix this..

Qsonic Answered question October 12, 2024

Hi there Bjorn. I have a similar experience. I did an experiment today and duplicated a script, gave it a slightly different name and put it into Live and it did not behave like the original. Several functions didn’t work, but when I reverted to the original (made earlier this year) they did.

Have you checked in the log area for errors?


I have a similar problem. I have a script with 4 modes, one of which is a toggle mode.
Mode 1: Mixer – volume, solo, mute, pan on 8 channels and 14 sends on the active channel.
Mode 2: Channel – All CC on device 2’s active channel.
Mode 3: Synths – 3 synths hard-mapped MIDI CC controllers.
Mode 4: Select mode – for selecting groups and channels so I can navigate.

This script works well. Now I’ve tried to expand it and keep running into the following phenomenon: my volume faders no longer work. As soon as I adjust a fader, the volume drops, and I can only raise the fader about 20%, and it’s also very jittery. This happens on all faders.

I’ve tried to get this working using various previous scripts, also by simplifying things and removing elements. But I keep getting the same result. I think I’ve made about six attempts in the past 10 days

Qsonic Answered question October 12, 2024

Hi Björn, could you please explain how you corrected the script ? I have a similar problem – I use a second mode (Offline mode) to bypass mappings. I just select the according mode in the mappings and don’t use a button or similar.

But these mappings still are active despite the status bar of Live showing “Mode 1” ist active.

MartinJ Posted new comment October 11, 2024

If they are in a mode which isn’t activated, then the mappings shouldn’t be active.
Do you maybe have duplicates in the active mode?

Hi John, no duplicates in active mode. In the end I went back to an older version that worked correctly. Thanks and regards, mj


I have checked the mode switching functionality in CSS 2.8.5 and it works without issue.
Please check your settings for those mappings and check for errors in the log.

Bjorn Vande Vijvere Posted new comment October 7, 2024

Hi John, after investigating the script i found the following happened:
I have a script in which i use 4 modes. To switch between modes if have 4 switches. In each of these four modes i have 4 mode switch commands that allow me to navigate between the modes with the switches. So i have 4 mode switch commands in the first mode, 4 in the second mode etc.. ( so making a total of 16 mode switch commands ) ( this would be easier if we would have access to a mode zero, but that’s another story ).
So what had happened is the following: upon export your software had set all of these 16 commands to be active on mode 1, hence making it possible to switch from mode 1 to any other mode but making it impossible after that to switch back to mode 1. So i corrected the script, re-exported it and it was working again. So this is most defenitily a bug since there’s no way i had changed these 16 ( 12 in fact ) commands. I hope this gives you an idea about where to look for th issue. Kind regards, Björn.