Why is some of my “Mode 1” LED feedback triggering while using other Modes?

410 viewsCSS Questions

*** SOLVED / UPDATE: I figured out what was wrong. It ended up being that my MIDI preferences in Ableton somehow messed up. The controller was selected for the output of a completely different script which was causing my controller to receive unwanted MIDI data apparently. — Maybe someone will find this thread useful someday. Sorry for jumping the gun in the forum. ****

Hi friends – I’m looking for some help with a bug I’m experiencing with my script. I will do my best to keep it simple, as I suspect what is going on.

I have 3 separate modes that I can toggle through with specific LED feedback Reactions and Custom LED Feedback in stabndard ma;ppings like (Selected Track – Solo, Mute, etc.).

The problem seems to be that Mode 1’s LED feedback is triggering while I’m in Mode 2 or 3. I’ve reviewed the script file extensively to try to see if it was a mapping/reaction under Mode 2 or 3 causing it but I’ve ruled that out as an issue by completely removing Mode 1 from the script. If I remove mode 1 from my script, I no longer see the LED feedback bleeding over into my Mode 2 or 3.

it seems that certain LED feedback is bleeding over from Mode 1 into the other Modes of my script. I expect that this may be a bug within my script from making so many adjustments and tweaks to fine-tune my custome features.

But at this point, it feels like I’m going to have to start everything over from scratch because I wasn’t smart enough to save separate backup versions for each set of changes made along the way. (huge lesson learned).

*TLDR*: Why is some of my Mode 1 LED feedback bleeding into my other Modes? Has anyone ever experienced this? Thanks!

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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I’m also noticing that the LED feedback on my Launchpad mini Mk3 might be causing the issue from a hardware level, When I completly delete my CSS scripts from the Ableton’s MIDI Remote Scripts folder, it is showing some weird blinking on the bottom-eft 6 pads with white/green lights. This started happening after making several changes to my CSS script. I’m trying to figure out how to wipe any memory that Ableton might have stored for my controller or maybe even try to flash the firmware of the controller if possible.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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