A list of “condition” and “reaction” types ?!?

413 viewsCSS Questions

After trying lots of things and making my part of research, as a person who does know coding I think that a list of “code” parameter to use in the box filed in “condition” and “reaction” would help a lot. The community is still small here and you don’t get much help from it so a step in this direction I think would help us to solve our problems ourselves.
For eg. how would I know what .value does if I would’n see the examples from other discutions. ?

anyway… I think a list of basics stuff would be much appreciate by everyone in my situation, and maybe some noob guidelines


admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Yep I agree.
We will be writing one up in the next week, so should have it up soon.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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