Ableton Live 11 Device Parameter Numbers
A couple of quick questions from a new user:
1) It seems like the device parameter numbers have been changed from what they were in Live 10. The documentation here doesn’t have an updated list for Live 11, and I can’t seem to find one in my searches on Google. Is there an updated list available? I’m trying to map my Midi Twister to the parameters of the Analog synth.
2) This problem is compounded by the fact that I seem to need to restart Ableton every time I make a change to a script. Is this dumb of me? Is there a work around? Shooting in the dark on parameter numbers will be impossible at the rate I’m going.
Hi Ziggomatic,
When you go to the ‘Import script’ page from CSS, you can import the ‘Log Device Parameter Names’ script.
It is my favorite script, it show all the parameters for your selected device (not only Ableton devices but also VST’s) 🙂
You can watch a tutorial here:
We have just updated the device parameters tool, all parameter name/numbers should now be correct for Live 10 & 11.
Live 10:
Live 11:
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