Akai MIDIMix momentary mute mapping

387 viewsCSS Questions

Hello everyone!

I’m unclear on how momentary switching works in CSS and if it even means the same thing that I’m thinking of. I think I’m mainly getting confused by visual feedback in the template view.

For now, I mostly want to keep the stock behaviour of the default MIDIMix remote script and only modify the following:
I want the MUTE buttons on the device to be momentary; i.e. as long as I press a MUTE button, the correspondig track(s) should be deactivated (muted) and when I let go, the track(s) should be actived again (unmuted).
I want the REC ARM buttons to do the same, but for momentarily solo’ing correspondig tracks.
And instead of panning, I want the bottom row of knobs to control a third send.

I have imported the CSS-own MIDIMix template and looked at the settings for the buttons for starters. The switch type is set to momentary by default which to me indicates the desired behaviour for mute and solo that I described above. Looking at how this translated to the visual feedback in the template view is where I get confused.

Holding down a button only makes it light up green in the template for a short time before it turns grey again. “Momentary” to me means that as long as I hold the button, the template graphic should stay green and only turn back to grey when I let go of the button. Instead, letting go seems to send a new input as the graphic briefly turns green again.

I haven’t looked this up specifically but I understand that “momentary” in MIDI-terms might not actually mean that a constant signal is being sent for a given momentary action. As such, the way the template view visually translates these actions might well be the technically correct way of displaying what is actually happening. However as long as I can’t be sure that the button behaviour I want to achieve is actually scriptable, I’m hesitant to put in the time and, eventually, money.

Any clarification would be appreciated. Cheers!

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
Attached Files:

Thank you for the explanation! So if I understood correctly, the control setup should look something like in the attached screenshot?

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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