APC KEY 25 pads default note on/off override
My APC KEY 25 sends a value of 127 on note on and also 127 on note off
I checked this in midi monitor
So i want the pads to send 0 on note off
It’s weird that the APC does it like that, it would be logical to have a value of 0 on note off
So how can i override this behaviour using remotify control surface studio?
I don’t think so, the APCkey25 is very simple and very fixed (there is no editor and you can’t really change anything) On the stock APC key 25 script you can’t trigger sounds with the pads, they are h-just for launching clips/scenes..So probably that’s why they don’t send a note off message of 0 … But i want the pads to behave normally, I can do it with Bome midi translator, but that is another program running and i want to keep it simple. I thought that with Remotify you could override the stock behaviour of pads/buttons/knobs of the midi controller in the script..but i cannot find a way to set note off to 0 … ? So if anybody knows a simple way, let me know I feel that it can’t be that hard. Thanks!
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