APC40 LEDS Feedback
hey guys. I’m just trying to get my apc40 up and try the scc for the first time. I have to say that it is very confused. Nevertheless, I managed to make a box that I can control. Now I’ve done it via the .py the LED fedback the clips. That’s easy. What I do not manage is to make the clip stop button work. The other LEDs are always flashing red when they are empty. Is there a solution for setting the value to 0? It always sends value 4. The whole APC40 flashes like crazy. Since you get eye cancer;). You can not work like that. Have tried different solutions with reactions but without success. Can someone help me?
Hi there McBeat!
Great to hear that you’re trying out Control Surface Studio.
The issue you mentioned regarding Off being a value of 4 has already been logged and a fix created.
It will go Live along with our other upcoming LED Feedback updates (hopefully in the next 2 weeks).
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