Helllo everyone
I have a question
I hope that just you can tell me if what I want to do is possible
I’ve learned a little about how the program works now
And I can manage with the midi fighter twister
But I also have an apc 40 mkII and I have a question because i try with the manual and the videos but i dont find the solution to my problem.
I use the lighted pad’s of the grid to mute and demute all kind of bus and tracks and it works very well
But the pads only have a choice of colour orange when on and no light when off
I would like to be able to choose the colour of the pad when the track that corresponds to it is muted or not
But I don’t understand how I can do it
Can you please tell me how to do this?
Maybe with the reaction thing i imagine. …. i ve try but no succes
That would be great
And if it’s not possible I’d rather know so as not to lose too much time
Thanks to you all
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