arm record & sessionbox
I have a footcontroller with 6 buttons (Blackstar Live Logic) that I linked to the sessionbox (1 scene x 6 tracks), and another controller one to navigate this box.
I would like that when I press one of these buttons mapped to the sessionbox, that it starts immediately to record (so also arm that specific track and unarm the other ones). I tried myself to make a script where the track gets armed when I push one of the sessionbox control buttons, but it doesn’t work.
When I try with Track Selector it is not armed when it should be and it arms when it shouldn’t.
With I use the Reactions nothing really seems to happen.
Attached you can find my script.
If somebody could have a look and find out what I did wrong, I would be very grateful!
Hello Theo,
The Blackstar Live Logic looks stunning!
I checked your script and saw that you were almost there..
I changed/added two things:
- I added “Session Record” to the script, assuming you work in session view
- I added a “Reaction” that unarms all tracks when the script is loaded (you didn’t set the loop function in your script)
Now when you press for instance ‘Button 4’, track 4 will record immediately. Press ‘Button 4’ again to stop recording and the loop will play. Now press ‘Button 2’ and Track 2 will record, press ‘Button 2’ again to stop recording, and so on.
Attached here is the code.
Hope this is what you wanted.
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